What are you going to do about it?

Today is a milestone.  For many of us it is the end of first quarter.

If you are going all in to make your 2011 performance plan today is an important day.  We are 25% of the way home.  We have established a trend line.  Now is the time to accelerate or alter course.  The next 90 days are pivotal.  They will further solidify the trajectory.   Today is a good day for some results inventory.

I am doing my own review and reflection.  Talked to the the coach this week.  Evaluating progress toward my plan.  The challenge in planning is we always can’t predict the inevitable, unexpected challenges that come our way.  In business and in life.  It is just a pretty good idea to realize they are coming.  Some big.  Others small.  Our ability to push through the setbacks rests heavily on our ability to respond and recover when things take a sharp left hand turn. I am starting to understand the role “recoverablity” plays in hitting the outcome objective.

It is likely we have all bumped into some unanticipated barriers since the ball dropped.  My Q1 experience included:

-The end of a personal relationship.
-The loss of my dad.
-Going down with the flu for 3 weeks.
-Getting a year older (I am hoping wiser).
-Evaluating a significant evolution to the consulting side of our business.

Business.  Life.  What happened.

Clearly, we started the year a little slow and distracted.   I didn’t forecast any of these events with much accuracy. They all required time and attention.  They all had significant impact on the plan and in some cases, me as a person.

I suppose the better question isn’t, what happened?  But rather, what I am (or you) going to do about it?

Good to understand the past.  Important to think forward.

In a time where change is simply the new normal, the business (and personal) ability to respond, recover and recognize the next move is critical to success.

There are times when it is hard.  There are times when you need a little help.  There are times when you need to take a break.  There are times when you need to push through.

I know those times.

I also know tomorrow is the start of something new.  Q2.  The start of something new brings the hope of something great.

I have a calendar full of great days planned in April, May and June and wish the same for you.

You are here. What are you going to do about it?

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